Schedule an Online Consulting Appointment

My special advice on your website, online marketing and related film and other media production.

If you have described what you want to achieve, I will give you concrete actions to get you going and achieve your goals. Try a 45 minute session, the fee is payable immediately, but if we do not want to continue after ten minutes, the amount will be reimbursed immediately, that is why the processing is done via PayPal.

Please choose the date and time(s) from the calendar. The first selected time includes 45 min. session duration. When choosing more slots they have 60 minutes each. The displayed date and time(s) can be considered only. You can send a change request at any time.

The meeting will be held over TeamviewerSkype or Google Hangouts, so you can either show me via the computer (the desktop) or the webcam related objects. You should have a webcam with microphone built-in or extra microphone ready. But we can use a telephone as well.

I’m also happy to get to your office, have a look at my Consulting

My current time:



Do you already have more concrete ideas about your plans?

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